• Christmas 23

    Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? Part 1

    This is the question the magi from the East asked King Herod, the crowned King of the Jews. That magi, AKA wise men, asked King Herod that question is almost laughable. Essentially, they were asking this Roman figurehead, “Where’s the real king?” Then again, they didn’t have the internet. Perhaps they didn’t realize how dangerous it was to ask this question to a man who executed three of his own sons to hang on to power. Although Herod had the title of the King of the Jews, he wasn’t even of Jewish descent. He was an Idumean, an Edomite, an enemy of Israel. The Roman decision to make him king…

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  • General

    Something new for 2024

    When I became a believer during my senior year in high school, I loved studying the names of God. I had a big poster filled with God’s names and attributes: I Am, El Shaddai, Elohim, etc… It was a black background with His names in different colors filling the poster. Anyone remember it? The poster was a staple in Christian bookstores in the ’80s. It traveled with me to college and back and to my first apartment. I would meditate on this visual reminder in times of stress, and it brought so much comfort. By the time I finally retired it, the edges were tattered, and it had countless creases…

  • General

    The Ishtar Gate

    If you visit the Babylon Archeological Site in Iraq today, you will not find the Ishtar Gate. To see that, you must travel to the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany. The original gate was disassembled brick by brick, shipped to Europe, restored, and reassembled to grace the halls of the museum. However, you will see a recreation of the gate standing as a sentinel at the head of the Processional Way. This gate is just one of  eight gates into the ancient city of Babylon, but it is surely the most important. Nebuchadnezzar’s passion was to make Babylon a masterpiece, and the Ishtar Gate was the jewel in the crown.…

  • General


    Rosemaling, the Norwegian folk art originally developed as painting flowers on wood, provides some texture for my story. Joe’s mom serves mujaddara,  a Middle Eastern dish of lentils, rice, and caramelized onions, in a beautiful rosemaled platter. https://www.dailyscandinavian.com/the-story-of-norwegian-rosemaling/ Rosemaling went out of fashion in the nineteenth century, but it’s seen a resurgence with the popularity of Frozen. I think rosemaling is just lovely, and YouTube has some great tutorials. Enjoy!

  • Food

    A Pancake Taco?

    In my book, my hero grew up in the Ottoman Empire, home to his Assyrian mother. But he was sent to live with his Norwegian grandparents for high school and college. His favorite after school snack was sveler. “…fluffy pillows of floury love slathered with a mixture of sugar and butter that’s been whipped till it’s light and creamy.” “Frosting covered pancakes?” “Yes. Exactly. Frosting covered pancakes. With jam on top. They can be served warm a variety of ways: with brunost, a brown Norwegian cheese, or syrup, or creme fraiche and berries. Or ferry cafes serve them cold, slathered with frosting, and folded up like a taco. Norwegian Griddle Cakes…