• Names of God

    The Breath of God

    What’s in a name? In Genesis 17, God reiterates and expounds on promises he gave Abram 24 years before. Then He changes Abram’s name. My promise is still with you. You will become the father of many nations. So your name will no longer be Abram [Exalted Father], but Abraham [Father of Many] because I have made you a father of many nations. I will give you many descendants. Many nations and kings will come from you. I will make my promise to you and your descendants for generations to come as an everlasting promise. I will be your Elohim and the God of your descendants. Genesis 17: 4-7, Names of God…

  • Book reviews

    Practicing the Way

    Become an apprentice of Jesus. That’s the focus of John Mark Comer’s new book. Practicing the Way is a practical call to action. Disciple is a noun, not a verb. What? Think about it. In the Great Commission, we’re called to make disciples. When we use “disciple” as a verb, the emphasis is on our efforts. “Disciple” as a noun puts the responsibility on the learner, the apprentice, the follower. Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did. That’s the subtitle of Practicing the Way. And a life changing strategy.

  • Names of God

    El Shadday – God Almighty

    If you listened to Christian music in the ’80s, the name El Shadday probably brings to mind fond memories of the Amy Grant song. El shaddai, el shaddaiEl-elyon na adonaiAge to age You’re still the same By the power of the name You sang it  in your head, didn’t you? It’s a great song. El Shadday translates to God Almighty or God Most Powerful. If you were raised in church, that seems like a big no-brainer. He’s the most powerful because He’s the only God. But what did the name mean to Abram? God first refers to Himself as El Shadday, אֵל שַׁדַּי, in Genesis 17. Abram is ninety-nine years old.…

  • Book reviews

    Untangle Your Emotions

      Back in the ‘70s, Mr. Spock was my hero. I wanted to be a Vulcan so I didn’t have to deal with emotions. So Jennie Allen’s Untangle Your Emotions hit me where it hurts. In a good way! It’s the perfect companion to her previous book, Get Out of Your Head. With the pair, she walks you through taking your thoughts captive and managing your emotions. She does a great job of showing that emotions aren’t sinful, but what we do with them can lead us into sin. Emotions are a gift. A gift that can be mishandled. This book is an encouraging read for anyone who struggles with…

  • Names of God

    Where are you?

    Although the name El Roi is only used once in the Bible, He’s always the God Who Sees me, isn’t He? In the cool of the evening, the man and his wife heard Yahweh Elohim walking around in the garden. So they hid from Yahweh Elohim among the trees in the garden. Genesis 3:8, Names of God Translation Let’s think about this. God knew they’d eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He knew where they were hiding. They knew He knew. And yet they hid. Why? Fear and shame. I get it. Take a look at the picture above. I think I must have seen this or…