Hashem, The Name
This week’s name is The Name. Sounds like a riff on “Who’s on First?”
“What’s the name this week?”
“The Name.”
“Right, the name. What is it?”
“I told you, The Name.”
“That’s what I’m asking. What. Is. The. Name?”
“That’s it!”
This week in Ann Spangler’s study, we’re looking at Hashem. Technically, it’s not a name of God; it’s The Name. Hashem. Shem means name, and Ha is the definite article.
Today, many observant Jews say Hashem instead of God out of reverence and holy fear. They even write G-d for fear of taking his name in vain.
What’s in a name?
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” As far as Romeo was concerned, names didn’t matter. I suppose that’s a matter of perspective. Frankly, because of the baggage attached, the names Montague and Capulet did matter. But what about Hashem(s), the names of God?
Photo credit: Flickr
Trigger alert: this is about to get dicey.
God is not Yahweh’s name. According to dictionary.com, the definition of “god” is one of several deities, especially a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs; an image of a deity; an idol. Let that roll around in your brain for a moment.
Fifty years ago, maybe even twenty years ago, those of us in the Western Hemisphere put a capital G on god and knew we were talking about the God of the Bible. But we can’t do that anymore. In our increasingly pluralistic society, “God” can mean any number of things. I have many Muslim friends who, when they’re talking to me, refer to Allah as God. Arabic translations of the Bible use Allah for God. This is more than confusing; it’s heresy.
You know the old saying, “If you mean what you say, say what you mean?”
I propose we use specific, intentional names when we refer to the first person of the Trinity: Yahweh, Holy One, Most High, Father, even Hashem. This study gives us a plethora to choose from.
My musings have taken me in several different directions this week, so I’m going to take a few days to expound on Hashem, The Name.
This year-long study is inspired by Ann Spangler’s Praying the Names of God for 52 Weeks. Join us!