• Names of God

    I AM

    This name closes out the year-long study on the Names of God. I am deeply grateful to Ann Spangler for letting me share her insights through this blog. If you haven’t gone through the book yet and you’re looking for something to do in 2025, I can’t recommend it enough. This is the perfect name to wrap the year up with because it ties the persons of the Trinity together so well. Ehyeh is I Am in Hebrew, and we first encounter it at the burning bush. Then Moses replied to Elohim, “Suppose I go to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The Elohim of your ancestors has…

  • Christmas,  Tower

    The Tower of the Flock, Part 5 – Tobiah’s story

    Tobiah’s story Luke 2:15-20 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased. Luke 2:14 I don’t remember how we got to the tower. I couldn’t think about anything but all those angels filling the night sky. “Eliezer, you saw them, too, right?” For the seventh or eighth time, my big brother said, “We all saw them.” He cut me off before I asked my next question. “I’m sure it wasn’t a dream. Hush, now.” Eliezer’s hand on my shoulder gave me the courage to peek into the stable. I don’t know why I was afraid. The angels told us to go…

  • Christmas,  Tower

    The Tower of the Flock, Part 4 – Mary’s story

    Mary’s story Luke 2:7 I cradled my precious baby, the Son of God. Soft, sweet cheeks, perfect little mouth, wispy dark curls. His belly full, he slept like a lamb. Shortly after Joseph brought me to this stable in the base of the watchtower, his aunt Shlomit bustled in. Poking her finger into his chest, she clucked her tongue. Her chin waggled as she upbraided him. “A stable? You brought your wife to a stable to give birth? I couldn’t believe my old eyes when I saw you leading her out here to a. . . This is where animals sleep.” And yet it was cleaner, quieter, and smelled better…

  • Names of God

    My Redeemer Lives

    Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”— Galatians 3:13     We’ve explored the name of Jesus as Savior. What depth of meaning does Redeemer add? A drowning man needs a savior, one who will pluck him out of the ocean waves. But a drowning man who’s shackled to a boulder needs someone to break his bonds. If you’re wearing cement shoes of sin, you’ll sleep with the fishes. Bless the LORD, my soul, And do not forget any of his benefits; Who pardons all your guilt, Who heals all your diseases; Who…

  • Christmas,  Tower

    The Tower of the Flock, Part 3 – Uncle Asa’s Story

    Uncle Asa’s story Micah 4:8 My nephew’s upper lip disappeared under his lower one in a determined pout. What had gotten into him? Eliezer returned from Migdal Eder with a sullen Tobiah in tow just after sunset. Sighing with satisfaction or possibly relief, Eliezer plopped down next to me by the fire. He stretched out his long legs and leaned back on his elbows. But Tobiah slunk off to the shadows and sat with his cloak wrapped completely around him. He looked like a tent with the flap pulled shut. Keeping my tone light as I stirred the stew that simmered over the fire, I welcomed Eliezer back to our…

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