On that Day, You Will Call Me Ish
“On that day she will call me her Ish,” declares Yahweh.
“She will no longer call me her master.” – Hosea 2:16 Names of God version
Ish, in Hebrew, means husband. That’s our name for this week.
Doesn’t the verse above sound like some beautiful, “Once upon a time” fairy tale? My heart soars thinking of the day when all will be restored and Yahweh will be Ish.
But it’s no fairy tale. It’s infinitely better and infinitely worse. That the verse comes from Hosea is a big clue.
Imagine that outside, the birds are singing; the sun is shining. Inside, the groom is standing with the pastor, full of love and anticipation, waiting for a glimpse of his bride. The organist begins playing Trumpet Voluntary, and all eyes turn to the back of the church.
And the glorious sound comes to a halt with a resounding screech. The birds fly off. Clouds darken the sky, and thunder booms.
The bride stands, or slumps, in the doorway. She’s bruised and battered, smelling of stale beer and cheap cologne. Her makeup is streaked. Her hair is a tangled mess. Her gown is stained and torn.
But the bridegroom comes and meets her where she is, marries her, and takes care of her. She betrays him. He deals with her unfaithfulness, and she goes through some tough times. But, ultimately, he restores her.
Her betrayal is shocking.
God’s word to Jeremiah lays it out.
“I wanted to treat you like children
and give you a pleasant land,
the most beautiful property among the nations.
I thought that you would call me Ab* and wouldn’t turn away from me.
But like a wife who betrays her husband,
so you, nation of Israel, betrayed me,” declares Yahweh. – Jeremiah 3:19-20, Names of God version
But Yahweh’s forgiveness and restoration is incredible.
You will no longer be called Deserted,
and your land will no longer be called Destroyed.
But you will be named My Delight,
and your land will be named Married.
Yahweh is delighted with you,
and your land will be married.
As a young man marries a woman,
so your sons will marry you.
As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,
so your Elohim will rejoice over you. – Isaiah 62:4-5, Names of God version
*Don’t know what Ab means? We’ll cover it in Week 26 – right before we get to the New Testament!
We’re in Week 18 of Ann Spangler’s Praying the Names of God for 52 Weeks