The First and the Last
Listen to Me, Jacob, Israel whom I called;
I am He, I am the first, I am also the last. – Isaiah 48:12
Jesus is:
The Alpha and the Omega
The First and the Last
The Beginning and the End
In the last post, we looked at what the Alpha and the Omega might have meant to John. What does that mean to you? In Ann Spangler’s book Praying the Names of God for 52 Weeks, she asks some thought provoking questions.
Instead of looking at your life as your story, what if you viewed your life as part of God’s story? What implications does this have tor the way you live and the goals you have?
What would it mean to say that Jesus is first and last in your own life?
If Jesus is the beginning and the end, and you’re in Him, then nothing happens to you apart from Him. When that truth penetrates my circumstances, I find it close to impossible to worry. Because whatever I’m facing, it’s no surprise to Him. And it’s not too big for Him.
And I’m grateful.