Names of God

Ever Had Shrimp Scampi?

We’ve all seen Shrimp Scampi on the menu. It’s shrimp in a garlic butter sauce, right? But what does scampi mean? Scampi is a small crustacean, similar to a lobster or prawn. Pretty similar to shrimp. So Shrimp Scampi basically means Shrimp Shrimp.

What does this have to do with the names of God?

We’re looking at Adonay this week–it means Lord. Quite often in the Old Testament, Adonay is coupled with YHWH. Yahwey Adonay – Yahweh, the Lord. But since YHWH is translated LORD, that makes for an awkward translation – LORD Lord.

We first see YHWH Adonay together in Genesis 15:2 when Abram says, “O Lord GOD.” The NASB changes LORD (all caps) to GOD (all caps). The NIV uses Sovereign LORD.

But Abram’s meaning is clear. Yahweh is His name, and Adonay is His title or position. defines “god” this way:

  1. one of several deities, especially a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs.: Compare goddess (def. 1).

  2. an image of a deity; an idol.

  1. any deified person or object.

  2. a nebulous powerful force imagined to be responsible for one’s fate:The god of poker dealt me two aces.

  3. gods, Theater.

    • the upper balcony in a theater.

      the spectators in this part of the balcony.

Ever heard of Asatru? It’s a modern revival of the worship of Norse gods. Scientism? Looking to science as our savior. Atheism? God is the self. The atheist looks to himself to determine truth and morality.

We’re created for worship. When you choose your Adonay, don’t settle for anything less than the real deal – Yahweh.

In this increasingly secular and pluralistic culture, followers of the One True God must not allow any ambiguity as to exactly which god we worship.

When you come across Lord GOD in your Bible reading, take a moment to appreciate what it truly means. Yahweh, my Lord and my Master.

Amen and amen.