
The Source of Imagination

The heavens tell of the glory of God; And their expanse declares the work of His hands. – Psalm 19:1

The second attribute of God for the 2025 blog series is creativity. Elohim of Genesis 1 is a creative creator.

Create – to cause to come into being.

Creativity – “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination” –

Create, creator, creative, creation, creativity, and creature all have a common root, but sometimes I take for granted just how creative the Creator is. We’ll take a few posts to highlight His creativity.

Aren’t we blessed that He’s so creative? Our universe is a fascinating place. From the smallest subatomic particle to the vastness of space, God’s imagination and creativity are on display. And every drop of creativity we have we owe to Him who had it first.

You know what’s even better than that? We’re created in His image with a mind capable of exploring and appreciating His creative handiwork. What are some distinctives of his creation?


Creation is jam-packed with variety. You know God delights in diversity. We’re going to look at the variety we experience through each of our senses, paying special attention to not only His imagination but also His dedication to making sure we can appreciate it.

But first, consider the deep-sea anglerfish. Not a creature many of us will ever encounter because it lives so deep in the ocean. On the sea floor, there’s isn’t even light. What did God do? He gave them their own light source. A light gland sticking out of their heads like a selfie stick. Crazy, right?

I like to imagine Him giving the anglerfish its own lamppost just because He can, knowing that someday we’ll appreciate it.

How about the God’s Eye Nebula? It’s stunningly beautiful, and it’s 650 light-years away. Not something we could ever see without a high-powered telescope. And yet, it was out there, waiting to be discovered.



God created order. He created laws we can trust. The reliability of the universe gives us confidence to examine our world and come to reasonable conclusions about it. In subsequent posts, we’ll examine the parameters of structure and order He put on His creation.


This goes without saying, but our creative Creator is a genius. We’ll look at some elements of His design that blow my mind.

What are some of your favorite ways God displays His creativity?






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